As Houstonians, we’re used to the heat. From mid-March all the way through December, temperatures consistently range from 80-100 degrees, with plenty of rain and floods thrown in for good measure. But when winter finally arrives in Houston, it can become bitterly cold. Even without snow, the shift to colder weather has serious implications for your car. As we slowly but surely experience the incoming winter weather, here are some important steps you need to take to keep your car running during these colder months.
Use Proper Engine Fluids
When temperatures are near freezing, even the toughest engines can have a hard time warming up in the morning. Even if it’s been less than three months since your last oil change, adjusting your engine’s oil for the winter months is an important precaution for safe winter driving. Clean oil and fresh filters will allow for a faster flow of oil to important areas during colder conditions, and will keep your engine running smoothly.
It is also important to service your engine’s antifreeze/coolant as we enter colder temperatures. Coolant doesn’t just keep your engine from overheating, it’s also one of your car’s main defenses against engine corrosion. If it’s been either two years or 30,000 miles since your coolant/antifreeze has been serviced, it’s crucial that you have them inspected to prevent engine trouble. To keep things running smoothly, our qualified service technicians will refresh your engine with a 50/50 coolant mix that protects it from temperatures as low 32° below zero.
Inspect Your Battery
Not only can cold weather slow down your engine, it can also reduce the capacity of your car’s battery. You can avoid this by having your battery, terminals and cables professionally inspected. At Dillon’s Automotive, we will make sure everything is connected properly and securely in addition to checking and adjusting the fluid levels if necessary. Once everything is inspected and adjusted, you won’t have to worry about a dead battery on a cold day.
Have Your Tires Fully Inspected
Even without snow, cold and icy conditions can be demanding on your tires. Before the winter in Houston intensifies, it’s a good idea to have your tires rotated, balanced and thoroughly inspected. Doing so is an excellent way to prevent an accident on an icy road due to faulty tires.
Trust the Pros at Dillon’s Automotive
Whatever your car needs to make it through winter, our team of expert technicians is ready to help. As a proud, family-owned business, we operate with honor and integrity, and will recommend only the most helpful and necessary services for you and your vehicle. Contact us today by filling out our online form.